Zim announces revised trade services from April


zimIsrael-headquartered Zim Integrated Shipping Services said it is restructuring its main services on major trades starting April 2017 to offer an improved network and better solutions to market needs.

“The restructuring is part of Zim’s approach to focus on trades in which it has a strong position and competitive advantages, while utilizing its flexibility and creativity as an independent player to provide premium services and solutions to its customers,” the company said in a written release.

On the Pacific trade, the container shipping liner is introducing a new service between Asia and the Pacific Northwest, linking the Far East to numerous inland destinations in the U.S. and Canada. This service will replace the current North Pacific services as of April 2017.

Zim’s ZCP service, its all-water service via the Panama Canal between Asia and the U.S. East Coast, will be upgraded and will offer inland destinations to major locations through main ports on the East Coast.

The all-water service via the Suez Canal, the premium Z7S-ZIM Seven Stars service connecting South China, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent and the U.S. East Coast, will resume full activity after the winter program, in April 2017.

For Zim’s Asia-East Mediterranean and Black Sea trade, the present AME and EMX services connecting Asia and the Indian Subcontinent with the East Mediterranean and Black Sea will be restructured into new services, “maintaining Zim’s competitive advantages and keeping its position as one of the leading carriers on this trade,” said the statement.

On the Atlantic trade, meanwhile, Zim has enhanced its Atlantic network, adding a fourth string to offer wider coverage including additional calls in Italy, France, and Turkey, and providing improved transit times to the U.S. East Coast main ports.

Zim does not belong to any of the three major container shipping consortia that have announced plans to begin their new operational partnerships also in April.

CEO Rafi Danieli said, “As independent and agile carrier, we have created a smart and efficient network offering stable and reliable services. Zim is an important player in the trades it operates in; we maintain a flexible partnership approach with major carriers, and our new structure is a viable and beneficial alternative in the market.”