2013 Determining Priorities


The new Board and Committee chairpersons for 2013 began work for the year with its traditional planning session held last January 19-20, 2013. The new Board and Committee Chairpersons mapped out what will be the focus and priorities for the year. The calendar of activities will be released to members.


SCMAP will maintain a schedule of six GMMs for the year and ten monthly Board meetings. Key events will also be maintained:

  • First board meeting held Feb. 7
  • Induction to be held on Feb. 11
  • First GMM to be held on Feb. 21
  • Logistics Immersion Course in May
  • Annual Supply Chain Conference in September
  • Christmas Fellowship in December
  • Seminars (details and schedules  still to be determined)
  • CSR and sports activities (details to be specified)


In order to help determine priorities SCMAP is conducting a survey among members on service expectations, seminars, the logistics immersion course and other matters.


Early partial results indicate preference for the following services

  • Access to knowledge center (best practices, SCM related data, reports, contacts)
  • Representation in government rate hearings, , policy discussions on infrastructure, transportation, competition, other topics pertaining to supply chain.
  • Opportunities for benchmarking
  • Representation with  private groups / organizations on supply chain initiatives


So far, training, both short seminars  and training with certification, do not rate high, but this is an initial result.


As to the medium for rendering the service, the GMM and the supply chain magazine are rated higher than other media (website, email blast, conferences)


On seminar topics, early preferences are Transport Management Workshop and Third Party Logistics. Seminar duration of one day is preferred to two days.


On the Logistics Immersion Course, initial preferences on route are Manila-Cebu-Bohol-Manila, and Manila-Baatangas-Puerto Galera-Manila.


Early inclusions in a wish list are: more collaboration with other professional groups, expanded list of members, and commercial benefits for members (lower storage rates and demurrage).




Induction of the 2013 Board and Committee Chairpersons is set for tonight at the EDSA Shangri-La Plaza. The inducting officer will be Mr. Angelito A. Alvarez Philippine Airlines President, and former Customs Commissioner. To be inducted are.


  • President Gabby Patag
  • Vice President Arnel Gamboa
  • Secretary Cora Curay
  • Treasurer Lito Nepomuceno
  • Auditor Max Yap
  • PRO Henry Batallones
  • Director Manny Onrejas
  • Director Jess Sarmiento
  • Director George Yumul
  • Director Reyna Cano


  • Carlo Curay Committee Chairperson
  • Gus Argueles Committee Chairperson
  • Annette Camangon Committee Chairperson
  • Elsie Oafallas Committee Chairperson
  • Ana Rose Ochoa Committee Chairperson


Address inquiries and comments to Ed Sanchez at tel. 671-8670, fax 671-4793, cell 0918-914-1689, or email scmap.org@gmail.com. Those interested in DMAP training and other activities are requested to send their e-mail addresses.