BOC cracks down on rice imports with no permits


ID-100211728Customs Commissioner Alberto Lina has handed down strict orders to customs officials to process only rice importations covered by an import permit/notice of arrival issued by the National Food Authority (NFA).

This is part of the agency’s efforts to monitor effectively all incoming importations of rice by the NFA and multipurpose cooperatives (MPCs), Lina said in a memorandum dated May 13.

NFA is the only government authority allowed to import rice, and those that want to do the same must secure permits from the agency.

Customs officials are also directed to observe strictly the seven-day validity period for the import permit of MPCs, as well as the stipulated quantity, bill of lading, and other details.

Lina also instructed that his office be furnished with emailed status reports on all processed rice shipments within three working days of their release.

Aside from an NFA permit, also required from importers of rice shipments is a sanitary and phytosanitary import clearance from the Bureau of Plant Industry, according to the Regulated Imports List (RIL) released by BOC.

Since May 11, the RIL, which provides a clear and codified list of permits required for regulated products, has been the document followed when it comes to regulated products. – Roumina Pablo

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