BOC Dadiangas is first subport to launch custom care center

Bureau of Customs sub-port of Dadiangas' newly-opened Customer Care Center | Photo from BOC
Bureau of Customs sub-port of Dadiangas’ newly-opened Customer Care Center | Photo from BOC

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) subport of Dadiangas in General Santos City has formally opened its Customer Care Center (CCC), the first subport in the Philippines to have its own one-stop shop for customs services.

BOC-Dadiangas, a subport under the Davao collection district, is the first among BOC’s 39 subports nationwide to open a CCC. The center will be providing all types of customs services to port users, including centralized document receiving and releasing, gate pass issuances, and filing of goods declaration.

BOC Port of Davao district collector Atty. Erastus Sandino Austria said the CCC features online submission of documents “allowing [people] to transact with us from the comfort of their homes or offices by using any web connected electronic device.”

BOC-Dadiangas sub-port collector Elenita Abaño said the CCC also establishes better health and safety protocols for the benefit of stakeholders and BOC personnel.

“We prioritize the welfare of our employees and our stakeholders by discouraging office visitations and encouraging online transactions,” Abaño said.

BOC has been actively establishing CCCs nationwide to enhance trade facilitation and comply with Republic Act No. 11032, or the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act. The centers are also in compliance with the agency’s zero-contact policy discouraging face-to-face transactions to lessen opportunities for corruption.

Thirteen out of the 17 BOC collection districts have already established their own CCCs. These are the Port of Manila, Legazpi, Batangas, Surigao, Subic, Clark, Zamboanga, Davao, Limay, San Fernando, Iloilo, Tacloban, and Cebu.

Still to open theirs are Aparri, Cagayan de Oro, Manila International Container Port, and Ninoy Aquino International Airport.