BOC DepComs stay put – for now

All staying for now: (L to R) deputy commissioners Jessie Dellosa, Ariel Nepomuceno and Atty Agaton Uvero. Also staying put are deputy commissioners Editha Tan and Atty Arturo Lachica.
All staying for now: (L to R) deputy commissioners Jessie Dellosa, Ariel Nepomuceno and Atty Agaton Uvero. Also staying put are deputy commissioners Editha Tan and Atty Arturo Lachica.
All staying for now: (L to R) deputy commissioners Jessie Dellosa, Ariel Nepomuceno and Atty Agaton Uvero. Also staying put are deputy commissioners Editha Tan and Atty Arturo Lachica.

Bureau of Customs (BOC) deputy commissioners — except for the head of the Management Information System and Technology Group (MISTG) — will stay at their post, at least for now.

MISTG deputy commissioner Primo Aguas, who was part of the reform team that entered BOC in 2013, tendered his resignation even prior to former commissioner John Phillip Sevilla’s and will stay only until April 29.

Staying put are Atty. Arturo Lachica, Internal Administration Group; Ma. Editha Tan, Revenue Collection and Monitoring Group; Ariel Nepomuceno, Enforcement Group; Atty. Agaton Teodoro Uvero, Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group; and Jessie Dellosa, Intelligence Group.

In a statement on April 28, Dellosa said “I will stay in my post, and quit only when properly relieved by the appointing authority”, despite knowing the “risks, sacrifices and frustrations that come with any change effort, each of us has our reasons for committing to this reform campaign.”

Dellosa said he will stay “because there is still much work that needs to be done, and the initial successes must be nurtured and sustained.”

The former Armed Forces of the Philippines chief said he respects the decision of former BOC commissioner Sevilla who resigned due to political pressure. He noted, “The resignation of the former Commissioner has exposed to the public the pitfalls and challenges of serving in Customs.

“I realized the wisdom behind his resignation. ‘Wag natin sayangin ang sakripisyo na kakabit ng kanyang pagre-resign (Let’s not waste Sevilla’s sacrifice that came with his resignation). He took a step backward so the reformists in BOC can take two steps forward. Let us look at it as an opportunity now for the public to realize the uphill battles we face on a daily basis, and seek broad support for the sustainment of the reform momentum.”

Dellosa said he will stay “to give a chance to Commissioner (Alberto) Lina to continue the reforms, and fulfill his promise and commitment to the Bureau.”

“Let us all give him the chance to prove that his word is his bond.”

He added he still believes the President “is committed to the legacy of a reformed Customs bureau.” – Roumina Pablo