BOC launches i-Declare, a digital baggage/currency declaration system

BOC launches i-Declare
Photo from the Bureau of Customs.
  • The i-Declare streamlined and digitalized customs baggage and currency declaration system for overseas travellers is now being implemented by the Bureau of Customs
  • BOC launched the system on June 29 and is pilot-testing i-Declare kiosks at NAIA Terminal1
  • More kiosks will be deployed at other international airports in the coming months
  • BOC says the Philippines is the first ASEAN member to implement a combined electronic customs baggage and currency declaration system. Singapore and Indonesia had earlier adopted an electronic customs baggage declaration system, but minus the currency declaration feature

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) launched on June 29 the i-Declare System, a digital and streamlined customs baggage and currency declaration process.

The system offers passengers the option to complete their declarations online before flying or even while en route to the Philippines, BOC said in a statement.

The electronic customs baggage declaration form (eCBDF) is also available through the i-Declare kiosks installed at the Customs area.

The kiosks are initially being pilot-tested at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 1. More of such kiosks will also be deployed at other international airports in the coming months.

“Automating the decades-old manual filing is another effort to modernize the Bureau, with the intention of integrating it with other government agencies for a more encompassing approach in providing the public with one-stop shop service for all the governments’ clearance requirements,” Customs Commissioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero said.

BOC noted the Philippines is the first country in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to implement a combined electronic customs baggage and currencies declaration system and the third ASEAN country, after Singapore and Indonesia, to implement an electronic customs baggage declaration system.

BOC said the system was made possible through the collaboration of its Management Information System and Technology Group and Enforcement Group with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and Anti-Money Laundering Council.

The implementation of the i-Declare System is pursuant to Customs Memorandum Order No. 11-2022 that provides guidelines for the electronic implementation of Customs Administrative Order No. 01-2017.

CAO 01-2017 outlines the Customs clearance procedures for air and sea travellers and crew, as well as their baggage, at all local ports of entry and exit.

Under CMO 11-2022, all international travellers and crew arriving from abroad or departing from all ports in the country must use BOC’s electronic customs baggage and currency declaration (eCBCD) system, which is now i-Declare.

All inbound travellers and crew members must accomplish the eCBDF, including the electronic currency declaration form (eCDF), if applicable, in the eCBCD system before or upon arrival in all ports of entry.

READ: BOC requires travelers, crew to declare cash, baggage online

Travellers are referred to as any person who temporarily enters the territory of a country in which he or she does not normally reside (non-resident) or who leaves that territory; or any person who leaves the territory of a country in which he or she normally resides (departing resident) or who returns to that territory (returning resident).

eCBDF is an electronic form for customs baggage form prescribed by BOC that asks for traveller or crew information or particulars required by BOC and any government agency. The eCDF is the electronic form for the currency declaration prescribed by the BSP.

For departing travellers and crew members, only those who are intending to bring out foreign currency, as well as other foreign currency-denominated bearer instruments in excess of US$10,000 or its equivalent, or more than P50,000 of Philippine notes, coins, checks, money order, and other bills of exchange drawn in pesos against banks operating in the Philippines, should accomplish the eCDF in the i-Declare System. – Roumina Pablo