BOC-Mactan cites top importers in first half led by A.D Gothong

BOC-Mactan top importers
  • The Bureau of Customs Subport of Mactan acknowledged its top importers for the first half of the year, led by A.D. Gothong Manufacturing Corp
  • Together, the 10 leading importers forked out P876.4 million in duties and taxes during the period
  • For the first half, the sub-port’s total revenue collection was P1.2 billion, 106.24% more than the semi-annual target of P615.8 million
  • For June 2024 alone, collections reached P210.5 million, exceeding the monthly target of P97.1 million by P113.3 million, or a surplus of 116.60%

The Bureau of Customs Subport of Mactan (BOC-Mactan) acknowledged its top importers for the first half of the year, led by A.D. Gothong Manufacturing Corporation.

Together, the 10 leading importers forked out P876.4 million in duties and taxes during the period in review, bringing the sub-port’s total revenue collection to P1.2 billion. The total surpassed by 106.24% the semi-annual target of P615.8 million.

For June 2024 alone, the subport collected P210.5 million, exceeding the monthly target of P97.1 million by P113.3 million, a surplus of 116.60%.

Joining A.D. Gothong Manufacturing (contributing P344.5 million) in the list of top ten importers are:

  • San Miguel Food Inc. – P134.3 million
  • Alta Global Services Inc. – P90.7 million
  • Universal Feed Mill Corporation – P73.4 million
  • Neovia Philippines Inc. – P64.66 million
  • Louis Vuitton (Philippines) Inc. – P53.3 million
  • Marcela Farms Incorporated (MFI) – P40.8 million
  • UNAHCO, Inc. (Univet Nutrition and Animal Healthcare Company) – P33.2 million
  • General Milling Corporation – P26.5 million
  • Luxury Goods Philippines Inc. – P15.2 million

Port Collector Gerardo Campo emphasized the importance of maintaining strong relationships between the bureau and its stakeholders, saying: “This accomplishment would not have been possible without your dedication and hard work. Each of you deserves commendation for your commitment to excellence and exceeding expectations.”

The Subport of Mactan said in a statement it remains committed to enhancing its revenue collection performance, adhering to the BOC’s mandates, utilizing ICT tools for efficient cargo clearance, and fostering partnerships to promote customs compliance.

READ: BOC-Mactan names top 10 importers


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