BOC overtakes revenue target for sixth straight month


The Philippine Bureau of Customs (BOC) has collected P52.046 billion in July 2018, exceeding by 3.9% its revenue target of P50.07 billion.

Preliminary data from BOC’s Financial Service showed the July collection is also 48.7% higher compared to the P34.99 billion earned in the same period last year, BOC said in a statement.

This is the sixth consecutive month this year that the bureau exceeded its revenue target.

Out of 17 collection districts, 15 topped their revenue collections.

These ports are:

Port of Batangas collected P13.390 billion, up 15.5% or P1.798 billion

Port of Manila collected P7.686 billion, up 2% or P159 million

Port of Limay collected P3.908 billion, up 28.2% or P861 million

Port of NAIA collected P3.347 billion, up 1.7% or P57 million

Port of Cebu collected P2.465 billion, up 9.2% or P209 million

Port of Davao collected P2.259 billion, up 40.6% or P652 million

Port of Cagayan de Oro collected P1.871 billion, up 32.3 % or P457 million

Port of San Fernando collected P430 million, up 57% or P156 million

Port of Iloilo collected P338 million, up 24.6% or P67 million

Port of Tacloban collected P234 million, up 962.9% or P212 million

Port of Clark collected P204 million, up 54.7% or P72 million

Port of Zamboanga collected P35 million, up 47.1% or P11 million

Port of Legazpi collected P24 million; up 1% or P200,000

Port of Surigao collected P13 million, up 536.8% or P11 million

Port of Aparri collected P10 million, up 101.6% or P5 million.

Meanwhile, those that fell short of their targets for July were Manila International Container Port, which collected P14.224 billion as against the target of P15.439 billion, and Port of Subic, which collected P1.601 billion, lower than the revenue target of P1.802 billion.

For the period January to July 2018, BOC has collected P332.5 billion, exceeding by 1.3% the P328.195 billion target.

BOC said the improved revenue performance last month was driven by strong enforcement and revenue enhancement measures and the higher exchange rate and increased oil price in the market.

“We are expecting consistent revenue growth and I remain confident that we will hit and even exceed our year-end target,” Customs Commissioner Isidro Lapeña said.

The customs chief said earlier he was optimistic that BOC would achieve its 2018 revenue collection target of P598 billion.