BOC requires travelers, crew to declare cash, baggage online

electronic customs baggage and currency declaration system
Interface of the electronic customs baggage and currency declaration system website.
  • BOC requires travelers, crew to declare cash, baggage online
  • Customs Memorandum Order No. 11-2022 mandates all international travelers and crew members to use the electronic customs baggage and currency declaration (eCBCD) system
  • Travelers bringing in or out $10,000 or P50,000 must accomplish the electronic currency declaration form in the eCBCD system

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) is now requiring all international travelers and crew to use the electronic customs baggage and currency declaration (eCBCD) system.

Customs Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 11-2022 provides guidelines for the electronic implementation of Customs Administrative Order No. 01-2017, which outlines Customs clearance procedures for air and sea travelers (both residents and non-residents) and crew, as well as their baggage, at all local ports of entry and exit. Dated April 29, the order took effect immediately.

Under CMO 11-2022, all inbound travelers and crew members must accomplish the electronic customs baggage declaration form (eCBDF), including the electronic currency declaration form (eCDF) if applicable, in the eCBCD system before or upon arrival in all ports of entry.

But for departing travelers and crew members, only those intending to bring out foreign currency, as well as other foreign currency-denominated bearer monetary instruments in excess of $10,000 or its equivalent, or more than P50,000 of Philippine notes and coins, checks, money order, and other bills of exchange drawn in pesos against banks operating in the Philippines will need to accomplish the eCDF in the eCBCD system.

eCBDF is prescribed by the BOC, and the eCDF by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP).

The eCBCD system may be accessed at or at designated kiosks at the customs arrival and departure area.

Upon sign-in at the portal, the traveler or crew member should select “Arrival” or “Departure” in the eCBCD system homepage.

A QR code will be generated after successful submission in the eCBCD system and should be presented by the traveller and crew member to the assigned customs officer at the customs arrival or departure areas for validation and clearance. The QR code will be sent to the registered email address provided during registration to the system, and may be downloaded for presentation to the customs officer.

In addition to the eCBDF, the following documents should be uploaded and/or accomplished in the eCBCD system, if applicable:

  • eCDF for travellers and crew members bringing into the country foreign currency in excess of US$10,000 or its equivalent in other foreign currency and other foreign currency-denominated bearer monetary instruments, or bringing in more than P50,000 of legal tender Philippine notes and coins, checks, money order, and other bills of exchange drawn in pesos against banks operating in the Philippines;
  • Prior authorization by BSP for travelers and crew members bringing in more than P50,000 of legal tender Philippine notes and coins, checks, money order, and other bills of exchange drawn in pesos against banks operating in the Philippines;
  • Import clearances/permits/licenses from relevant regulatory agency in case of restricted and regulated goods in excess of limits allowed by the agencies; or
  • Owner’s pre-departure declaration form or certificate of identification for goods previously exported.

Travellers may be routed either to the “green” or “red” clearance channel based on their general declaration or based on derogatory information, reasoned or random selection.

Green lane is for travelers with nothing to declare while the red lane is for those with goods to declare for purposes of import duties and taxes, or have goods above the exempted customs limit, or goods or article that are prohibited, controlled, or regulated, for purposes of validation.

Crew members will be directed to the lane provided for crew members for mandatory physical examination of baggage.

All baggage will be subject to mandatory non-intrusive inspection. – Roumina Pablo