Customs chief eyes probe of reported release of imported firecrackers


id-10046087Philippine Customs Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon said he is prepared to investigate whether Bureau of Customs (BOC) employees cleared release of imported firecrackers.

In a memorandum signed on December 12, Faeldon reminded customs officials and personnel of the prohibition on the importation of “finished” firecrackers, fireworks, and other pyrotechnic devices.

He reiterated that the prohibition is stated in Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7183 (An Act Regulating the Sale, Manufacture, Distribution and Use of Firecrackers and Other Pyrotechnic Devices), its revised Implementing Rules and Regulations, and the Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1 series of 2014.

Under these rules, only chemicals and explosive ingredients used to manufacture firecrackers, fireworks, and other pyrotechnic devices are allowed to be imported into the country.

This is provided, however, that such importation is made by a licensed manufacturer holding an authority to import issued by the Philippine National Police-Firearms and Explosives Office (PNP-FEO).

In the memorandum, Faeldon told all heads and concerned officials and personnel of the agency “to be more circumspect in denying entry and lodgement of finished firecrackers, fireworks, and other pyrotechnic devices in any port of entry in the country, and effect the seizure and forfeiture of the aforementioned.”

BOC, in a statement, said the memorandum comes after the agency was blamed for the proliferation of smuggled firecrackers in the Philippine market. Negros Oriental Representative Arnolfo Teves, Jr. said in a recent Lower House hearing that BOC should be held accountable for the smuggling and distribution of firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices ahead of the holiday season.

Saying that the first line of defense against smuggling is BOC, Antipolo Representative Romeo Acop, who is the Lower House Committee on Public Order and Safety chairman, then moved to have the BOC included in the committee’s technical working group assigned to consolidate the five proposals on the regulation, manufacture, sale, distribution, and use of firecrackers.

Faeldon clarified, however, that on his watch, BOC has not cleared the release of any imported firecrackers.

“During my term, I have not upheld the release of any firecrackers. Give us the details of this, and I am willing to investigate,” he stated.

The customs chief added that BOC will be coordinating with PNP-FEO to clarify if the importation clearance for finished firecrackers to be sold in the country was indeed granted.

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