E2m scheduled transaction windows in place for 2 more weeks


ID-10098706The Philippine Bureau of Customs (BOC) is asking stakeholders for understanding as it implements the scheduled transaction windows in the electronic-to-mobile (e2m) system for two more weeks.

At a forum hosted by the Chamber of Customs Brokers, Inc. on May 12, BOC Management Information System and Technology Group (MISTG) deputy commissioner Dr. Dennis Reyes assured participants the initiative is being done to alleviate congestion problems in e2m even as he said he understands this will bring users “additional overhead.”

Reyes sought support for the order which, he explained, is meant to “explicitly determine and categorize what type of transactions are really causing congestion” in a system “designed for a period that no longer exists.”

Pilot-testing of the initiative began last April 25 as part of “mitigating measures given the condition of e2m.”

The order to schedule transaction windows for e2m, contained in a draft memorandum order dated April 8 and signed by Customs commissioner Alberto Lina, is meant to address limitations in the BOC’s technology environment, reducing “transactional latencies experienced by all external and internal stakeholders connecting to the e2m environment.”

READ: BOC eyes limited times for e2m transactions by Apr 18

E2m shutdowns are a very common occurrence, causing delays in data submissions, and consequently slowing cargo processing and delivery.

Lina told PortCalls on April 12 that the order on the transaction windows is being issued to “diffuse” the number of e2m transactions “until such time that a sophisticated system is in place.”

With the scheduled transaction windows, the lodgement of entries is restricted from 1 a.m. to 8 a.m.; BOC operations from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; manifest submission from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m.; and scheduled system maintenance and backup from 11 p.m. to 11 a.m.

Stakeholders are complaining that the initiative has severely restricted their time to process and clear shipments.

Reyes insisted he needs to secure empirical data this way to understand how to better serve stakeholders. With no data available, the BOC can only speculate on the real cause of the downtime and slowdown.

With the scheduled transaction windows, Reyes said initial data is now showing the type of transactions congesting the system; once MISTG fully secures the data it needs, the BOC will immediately switch off the scheduled transaction windows.

Connected to virtual cloud

Reyes said BOC is temporarily subscribed to a virtual cloud environment to distribute e2m processes among multiple servers in a bid to minimize congestion.

The MISTG chief added this initiative was BOC’s way of stabilizing the e2m while the agency remains unable to replace or upgrade its system following a court injunction filed against the bureau by one of its bidders.

“Within the next two weeks we should… (be) able to move to the virtual environment to stabilize transactions,” Reyes said.

The cloud environment, Reyes added, will buy BOC more time to procure and set up a new platform.

He clarified that the cloud environment is only a “painkiller” because the real solution is to replace the e2m. The new system’s feature and capacity will be determined by empirical data gathered by BOC through the scheduled transaction windows.

The MISTG chief estimates P3.7 billion is needed to enhance BOC’s technology infrastructure.

Meantime, Reyes said he is creating a technology roadmap designed to handle requirements of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA), which is currently awaiting the signature of outgoing President Benigno Aquino III.

READ: Customs modernization act now awaiting PH President’s signature

CMTA mandates BOC to “utilize information and communications technology to enhance customs control and to support a cost-effective and efficient customs operations geared towards a paperless customs environment.”

Reyes said both the roadmap and the data collected from the scheduled e2m transaction windows can be used by his successor to avoid encountering problems being experienced now.

Aside from utilizing the cloud environment, BOC targets pushing through with six IT modernization programs that will equip the bureau with robust IT systems and solutions “to enhance and secure the services” by June 1.

Memo on transaction windows

Forum participants, mostly customs brokers, asked for a BOC memorandum or advisory on the implementation of the scheduled transaction windows which they can then present to clients. This will serve as proof that, for now, lodging with e2m cannot be done any time, and that this could translate to longer shipment clearance.

MISTG has drafted such a memorandum but this has yet to be signed by Lina. Despite this, BOC has proceeded with the implementation.

While the scheduled transaction windows is in effect and the slowdown therefore occurs on the side of the BOC, stakeholders requested for help with the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) to temporarily extend its free cargo storage period. Some stakeholders said it is taking them days to get a response from e2m, translating to the need for longer storage period.

Reyes said BOC, which sits on the PPA Board, will try to request for such an extension. – Roumina Pablo

Image courtesy of adamr at FreeDigitalPhotos.net