

Election Date Moved by One Day to Nov. 20

At the November general membership meeting of SCMAP, the members present will elect the ten Directors who will serve in year 2014.


Following what has been the practice, the election is held during the November GMM. The November GMM, originally scheduled on November 21, 2013, has been advanced by one day to August 20, 2013.


It is possible that the sudden change of date will have an effect on the attendance and thereby affect the outcome of the election. In addition member companies, like everybody else, have their attention focused on the aftermath of Yolanda.


Speaking of Yolanda, that is a massive logistics job which might be comparable in scope and magnitude to certain wars. By the way, SCMAP is taking its own action on the Yolanda problem. But that is another story.


Going back to the election, below are the rules to be followed.


  1. Only the official reps of the member companies are eligible to be voted, one per member company.
  2. The list of official reps, containing official reps projected to Jan. 1, 2014, has been announced before the election. Any changes can still be announced and made, up to right before the election.
  3. The Directors are elected because of their personal capabilities to serve onSCMAP’s Board, and possibly to serve as officers. They are not elected because of the companies they represent.
  4. Official reps who may want to address the membership will be given a reasonable chance to speak.
  5. An absent official rep may still be voted, unless he has declared beforehand that he will decline any votes cast for him.
  6. Each member company present gets one ballot. The vote can be exercised by the official rep, any alternate rep, or any other person from the company authorized in writing to exercise the company’s vote.
  7. The number of Directors coming from the ranks of logistics service providers is restricted to a maximum of 3. These companies are: Agility Logistics, Alarme Transport, Argo International Forwarders, Asia Cargo CLI, CTSI Logistics, DHL Supply Chain, Fast Cargo Logistics, Igloo Supply Chain, Inland Corporation, Jugro Transport, Koldstor Centre, LF Logistics, Lite Xpress, Metro Combined (GAC), Omni Solid Services, OneStop Logistics, Royal Cargo Combined Logistics, Swiftstar Logistics, Synnovate Logistics, TNT Express, Transfluent Management, VGL Industries, Vintel Logistics, Widelink Port Solutions, WWW Express, and XVC Logistics.
  8. The election will be administered by the Secretariat.
  9.  Each voting company will vote for 10 candidates. The top 10 will be elected Directors. The number of votes received will also be used to determine succession during the year 2014 if and when vacancies in the Board arise. Committee assignments will be made by the Board later.
  10.  A Director can only be elected President consecutively for two terms or two years. There is no limit to the number of terms a Director can be elected as a President provided there is rest period of one year, after any two-year consecutive term.
  11. The 10 elected Directors will elect among themselves the 6 Officers.


Apart from the Yolanda activity, for the rest of 2013 SCMAP has just a few activities left.


Christmas Fellowship

SCMAP’s annual Christmas fellowship will be held on December 5 at SCMAP’s favorite Christmas venue, the Makati Sports Club. The theme is “Celebrate the Joy of a Silvery Christmas”. The use of the word silvery is in reference to the coming 25th year of SCMAP in 2014. Yes, sir, it has been that long.


Daytime Time Truck Ban

SCMAP has not firmed up the format of its campaign against the daytime truck ban. But it is making an urgent call for action to participants in the supply chain who will be affected by the proposed daytime truck ban. As we echoed in the last issue, the situation is urgent because MMDA Chairman Tolentino only granted a 6-month reprieve, from July to January. We all know how fast December will fly by. So the time to act is NOW.


Transport Management Workshop Postponed

Due to a sudden change in the schedule of seminar speakerDennis Llovido, the Transport Management Workshop is postponed indefinitely.


Address inquiries and comments to Ed Sanchez at tel. 671-8670, fax 671-4793, cell 0918-914-1689, or email secretariat@scmap.org. For more information, please go to SCMAP website www.scmap.org.