HK airport CEO Stanley Hui quits


Airport Authority Hong Kong’s (AAHK) chief executive officer Stanley Hui has filed his resignation, to take effect mid-next year, according to a brief announcement by Hong Kong’s Information Services Department.

“Airport Authority Chief Executive Officer Stanley Hui has tendered his resignation, with effect from July next year,” the announcement released October 25 said. “Secretary for Transport & Housing Prof. Anthony Cheung thanked Mr. Hui for his contributions to the development of the authority and the aviation industry during his tenure.”

Hui will continue to oversee all aspects of AAHK’s operations until his departure, said the authority, which handles the operations and development of Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA).

It added that a special committee of AAHK board members has been created to oversee the global search for a new CEO.

Hui has led the authority since 2007, and “his rich experience and in-depth knowledge of the aviation industry have helped AA forge closer and deeper relationships with its numerous stakeholders, including more than 400 business partners at the airport,” said Dr. Marvin Cheung Kin-tung, AAHK chairman, in a prepared statement published the same day as the announcement.

The official announcement added that Cheung’s position as chairman has been extended for one year to May 2015.

“Dr. Cheung’s reappointment ensures continuity of leadership for AA’s major development plans and a smooth transition to the new CEO,” the AAHK statement said. “Key projects including the three-runway system, the expansion of the Midfield and West Apron, and the development of the North Commercial District will proceed as planned.”

“It has been an honor and a privilege to lead AA over the past seven years,” said Hui. “I have decided to pursue other career interests and believe it is the right time to do so, but in the meantime, I will make every effort to ensure that the transition will be as seamless as possible.”

Meanwhile, Cathay Pacific Airways said the reappointment of Cheung for one more year effective from June 1, 2014 “is an important time for aviation in Hong Kong as planning work gets underway for the crucial development of a third runway at Hong Kong International Airport.”


Photo: Sandip Bhattacharya