Importers eye NZ, Australia as markets


NEW Zealand and Australia could potentially make up 10-20% of the international market of Super Green Lane (SGL) importers, according to SGL president Jimsy Macawile.

“The Philippines can now export our products to the two countries and because of this we expect very good additional market for us,” Macawile said.

“We are looking at 10-20% market potential from New Zealand and Australia which can somehow offset our possible losses from the recent global crisis and now the Dubai issue.”

Macawile said association members are in constant talks with the Department of Trade and Industry for the entry of their products to the two countries.

At the moment, SGL importers are looking for markets for their excess inventory. They are looking at Libya in particular after it opened its doors to the world in 2005. Macawile said Libya is capable of accommodating 5-10% of excess inventories such as electronic gadgets, air conditioning units and other appliances.