PH shipping lines asked to cut cargo, passenger rates


ID-100309355The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) has once again directed Philippine shipping lines to adjust their passenger and cargo rates due to the continuing decline in global oil prices.

“In view of the series of roll backs in the prices of petroleum products in the local and global markets, and in order to protect and safeguard the interests of the riding public by ensuring that the rates being charged remain just and equitable, all domestic shipping companies operating passenger and/or cargo ships in the liner service are hereby enjoined to reasonably adjust their passenger and cargo rates,” MARINA said in Advisory No. 2015-11.

The advisory, dated Sept 4, published September 10 and signed by Marina administrator Dr. Maximo Mejia, Jr., directs all concerned to submit copies of their rate adjustment/s to MARINA within three days of publication.

Local liners have yet to submit their proposed rates as they have only seen the advisory on September 14.

Late last year MARINA also asked shipping lines to adjust their rates, a request which shipping lines had complied with.

Passenger and cargo rates in the domestic liner shipping industry have been deregulated since 2004 through Republic Act No. 9295 (Domestic Shipping Development Act of 2004). MARINA noted it has the reserved/plenary power to intervene in rates set by carriers “in order to protect and safeguard the interests of the riding public by ensuring that the rates being charged remain just and equitable.” – Roumina Pablo

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