Mercraft 2 carried 157 but not overloaded: PCG

Mercraft 2 carried 157 but not overloaded: PCG
The MV Mercraft 2 was carrying 157 people when it caught fire on May 23 while sailing from Polillo Island to Real, Quezon. Photo from the Philippine Coast Guard.
  • Mercraft 2 carried 157 but not overloaded: PCG
  • Coast Guard says 157 people were onboard the fastcraft MV Mercraft 2 when it caught fire early on May 23 while sailing to Real, Quezon, from Polillo Island
  • Earlier reports said the ferry was carrying 134 people when fire broke, leaving 7 dead and 29 hurt
  • Despite the larger number of people confirmed on board, the Coast Guard says the vessel was not overloaded as its maximum capacity is 186 individuals
  • Investigation is ongoing and its outcome will determine whether the vessel owners and operators of the vessel would face criminal charges and a franchise suspension

The MV Mercraft 2 was carrying 157 people when it caught fire on May 23 while sailing from Polillo Island to Real, Quezon, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said on May 25.

In a statement, the PCG corrected earlier reports that claimed 134 were onboard. But even with the bigger number of people onboard than initially reported, the vessel was not overloaded as its maximum capacity was 186 persons.

Of the 157 people, seven died, 29 were injured and 121 unharmed.

Investigators are looking into the cause of the fire, which was earlier reported by the PCG to have started in the engine room when the fastcraft around 1,000 yards away from Real port.

MV Mercraft 2 left Polillo Island around 5am on May 23 for Real. PCG received a distress call at 6:30am and the fire was put under control at 9:33am.

PCG spokesperson Commodore Armand Balilo said the owners and operators of the fastcraft may face criminal charges and franchise suspension if investigations show negligence on their part.

Mercraft Shipping Corp., which owns MV Mercraft 2, has apologized to the victims of the accident. PCG said it has temporarily grounded the company’s remaining seven vessels after initial investigation showed one of them capsized in 2017.