New Milestones – PNSW and PEZA Automation Initiatives


Our column will talk about new milestones in automation initiatives of the Philippine National Single Window (PNSW) and the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA).


Electronic Tagging of Import/Export Permits for NAIA Shipments

The implementation of electronic tagging of import/export permits and clearances in the PNSW system for shipments handled at Ninoy Aquino International Airport is scheduled to take effect on February 25.


Electronic tagging is already being implemented in the Port of Manila and the Manila International Container Port.


A briefing for stakeholders will be held on February 19 at 9:00am at the multi-purpose social hall of Port of Manila Building, Bureau of Customs, South Harbor, Port Area, Manila.


PEZA Expands Implementation of Electronic Import Permit

PEZA has issued Memorandum Order Number 2013-001 on the subject: Use of the PEZA Electronic Import Permit System (eIPS) by PEZA-Registered Ecozone Logistics Service Enterprises (ELSEs), Ecozone Facilities Enterprises engaged in Warehousing / Logistics Operations (EFE-WLS) and Ecozone Export Enterprises with separate Warehousing Division (EEE-WD).


The memo allows use of the PEZA e-IPS for imports of PEZA-registered ELSE, EFE-WL and EED-WD, duly covered by Letters of Authority, effective February 15, 2013.


The use of PEZA eIPS for all imports of PEZA-registered entities shall be mandatory effective March 1, 2013. On that date, no manual Import Permit applications from ELSEs/EFE-WLs/EED-WD shall be processed by PEZA.


Previously enrolled ecozone export enterprises with separate registration as ELSE for their warehousing division shall enroll separately for their warehousing division.


ELSEs/EFE-WLs/EEE-WDs with multiple ecozone locations shall enroll/register separately each ecozone location where the eIP application is to be made.


Leo V. Morada is a domain expert on IT applications in Philippine port operations with 25 years’ senior IT management experience implementing technology solutions in port operations, electronic transactions with customs & port authority, and air/sea port community system applications. He is CEO of Cargo Data Exchange Center, Inc, a customs-accredited value-added service provider. He can be contacted at