PH air carriers seek added India, Korea seat allotments


Philippine airlines are starting off the year with requests to increase their seat entitlements to other countries such as South Korea and India.

Flag carrier Philippine Airlines (PAL), in its application filed with the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), is requesting additional allocation of entitlements to South Korea in accordance with the existing air services agreement between the Philippines and the East Asian country.

PAL is asking for an additional 1,730 weekly seats from January 1 to February 18. From February 19 onwards, the flag carrier is requesting for 1,270 more weekly seats.

In 2015, the Philippines and South Korea agreed to add 3,000 seat entitlements per week from the existing 28,500 seat entitlements a week in a bid to serve the increasing tourism market between the countries.

AirAsia Philippines, meanwhile, has applied to be the designated official Philippine carrier to India and seeks allocation of entitlement to the country under the air services accord between the two nations.

AirAsia Philippines is requesting for seven flights a week between Manila-Bangkok-New Delhi.

Under the 2005 memorandum of understanding, each country can mount flights seven times weekly at four points of call in each country. For India, points include Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai, while Manila and three other places to be selected are the identified points for the Philippines.

CAB has scheduled the hearings for the requests for January 10.

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