PH Customs not keen on private rice imports


If the Philippine Bureau of Customs (BOC) had its way, all rice imports would be coursed through government agency National Food Authority (NFA). This, the BOC said, would make monitoring of rice imports easier at the same time increase government revenue collection.

Customs commissioner Rozzano Rufino Biazon said he has made known to the Senate his desire to limit rice imports to the NFA.

“Government has to rethink of its policy allowing private sector importation,” Biazon said.

“NFA should only be the one to import and distribute the rice as the current set-up is a weak link in our security. It will also make BOC administration simpler. It only needs a policy decision and not legislation so we are working that the measure be imposed next year.”

The Philippines’ rice imports are now on a decline. In 2011, the country imported 860,000 metric tons, with the private sector accounting for 600,000 metric tons. The next year, only 500,000 metric tons were brought in, of which 120,000 were purchased by NFA as buffer stock.

This year, government expects to import 100,000-150,000 metric tons of rice to serve as buffer stock.

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