PH port environment policy to take effect on May 27


The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) is adopting a policy that ensures port activities have minimal adverse impact on the environment and that all aspects of port operation and development are geared towards protecting and preserving the environment.

The Port Environment Policy (PEP), embodied in PPA Administrative Order (AO) No. 05-2018, is PPA’s instrument in institutionalizing environmental preservation and protection, and its means “to mainstream sound practices in all aspects of port management, port operation, port engineering, and development.” The policy will take effect on May 27.

The policy is based on the principles of environmental sustainability; compliance with environmental protection measures and standards; support for alternative sources of energy; implementation of energy efficient measures; and continuous education and capacity building for workers and stakeholders.

PEP adopts relevant national and international instruments to protect and preserve the environment. It is also in compliance with international obligations and requirements under the United Nations, International Maritime Organization, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, International Association of Ports and Harbor Facilities, and Permanent International Cooperation of Navigational Congresses.

The policy will apply to all aspects of PPA port administration, management, operation, and development.

Under AO 05-2018, PPA’s Board of Directors will be responsible for approving PEP, with the general manager, to be assisted by assistant general managers, implementing PEP rules and regulations.

Head office managers and port management office managers are responsible for ensuring that PEP rules and programs are implemented and completed, while rank and file employees are tasked to fully cooperate.

Port service providers—including port terminal operators, cargo-handling operators, harbor pilots, shore reception facility operators, and port ancillary services providers—have the responsibility to cooperate and comply with PPA port rules and regulations, and projects and programs consistent with PEP.

Port users, meanwhile, must abide by PPA rules, regulations, projects, and programs consistent with PEP, while the port community should fully cooperate and participate to ensure that PEP programs are successful.

PEP is being implemented as part of PPA’s “The Green, Resilient and Smart Port Strategy” (GRaSPS).

Guiding framework for PEP

GRaSPS’ framework shall be PPA’s guiding mechanism to attain consistency with its environmental policy and achieve its objectives under PEP.

All activities under the GRaSPS framework shall be grouped under two main criteria: hard infrastructure and soft infrastructure.

Hard infrastructure includes fixed assets, physical port developments or improvements, and control systems required to operate, manage, administer, and monitor the operations of the port; as well as accessory buildings, plants or vehicles, and information technology infrastructure.

Soft infrastructure, meanwhile, involves human resources and institutions such as port rules and regulations, systems and procedures, business processes, and human resource development programs.

In order to institutionalize GRaSPS in all government ports, the corresponding implementing guidelines shall be formulated and approved by the PPA general manager, to be implemented by concerned PPA units or officials and personnel.

Guided by the GRaSPS implementing guidelines, all units of PPA shall define their action plans (short, medium, and long term) and identify and associate the corresponding output that is consistent with the PEP policy to be approved by the unit head. In order to achieve the GRaSPS action plans, annual projects and programs shall be proposed for inclusion in the annual plans, programs, and budget, subject to the approval of the general manager.

Fines and penalties for violations against the PEP shall be prescribed in a separate PPA issuance.