Policy to decongest Manila port in place by Q1 2013

Subic port
Subic port

A new policy to decongest traffic to and from Manila ports by diverting container cargoes to Subic and Batangas ports will be in place by the first quarter of 2013. This was the promise given by consultants who conducted a study on the twin issues of decongesting Metro Manila traffic and making full use of the recently modernized alternate ports.

The study was commissioned by the Department of Transportation and Communications late last year and funded by the Japanese International Cooperation Agency.

According to Transportation Undersecretary Rene Limcauco, the  consultants’ marching orders from Transportation Secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya  is that they should come up soonest with recommendations that are “quick to do and are practical.”

The consultants said the decongestion and diversion program will be completed by end of the year for executive decision by January.

Even at this late time, some reservations were still brought out during the consultation meeting as to how practical the recommendations will be.

It was pointed out that Metro Manila remains the country’s biggest import market, thus most ships carrying imported goods would still prefer to call Manila.

The issue of volume for shipping lines was also tackled. Carriers have said they need volume to justify new or additional direct calls to Subic and Batangas.

Finally, trucking operators are mostly based in Metro Manila, putting in question availability and cost.

Photo from www.ictsi.com/content.php?id=103&ct=2