PPA Hearings


Despite our hopeless feeling in attending the two Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) hearings last March 20, 2012, we still went ahead and attended. The hearings were about petitions of the cargo handling operators at the Manila ports:

First Hearing – Joint

– Asian Terminals, Inc. (South Harbor), +21%

– International Container Terminal Services, Inc (Manila International Container Terminal), +21%

Second Hearing

– Manila North Harbour Port, Inc. (North Harbor), +20%

For SCMAP I attended the first hearing, while Cora Curay, longest serving past president, attended.

Our feeling of hopelessness had been earned through years of frustration at joint ATI-ICTSI hearings in the 1990s. There was no MNHPI yet then. These hearings were also attended by Cora and myself.

At every one of these hearings, DMAP/SCMAP submitted its position paper and aired our queries and comments in the open forum. At each hearing the same thing happened. The PPA presiding officer “noted” our comments and position. But at the end of the day, when the decision was announced, it was what was petitioned.

But at the hearings last March 20, Cora and I were mildly pleasantly surprised.

Where in the past, the front seats facing the audience were occupied by PPA officials together with petitioners ATI and ICTSI, now there was a panel with representatives from government departments..and a moderator from PPA. Atty. Pete Mendoza of DTI served as Chairman of the hearing panel. Constante Fariñas of PPA served as moderator.

On second thought, we are not really sure about the role of Mr. Fariñas. We are also not sure if the hearing panel will decide the rate increases. If not, who will? Where does the hearing panel report to?

Where before PPA officials appeared to defend the petitioners’ arguments and speak for the petitioners, this time the petitioners had to answer the questions and arguments of the oppositors.

Are things changing? We will see.

At both hearings SCMAP submitted its initial positions and aired comments / queries in the open forums.

SCMAP will amend its position papers to incorporate points raised in the open forums.

Among the points to be added are:

• The contract of MNHPI with PPA contains a provision of no rate increase within the first three years, or  up to Nov. 2012

• Economic indicator and cost driver estimates cannot use forecasts that have not materialized.

Address inquiries and comments to Ed Sanchez at tel. 671-8670, fax 671-4793, cell 0918-914-1689, or email scmap.org@gmail.com. Those interested in SCMAP training and other activities are requested to send their e-mail addresses. Visit SCMAP’s website at:www.scmap.org