Second truck lane on C-5 to open within the month


The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) has heeded the call of truckers to allot one additional truck lane along C-5 road for use by trucks from 12 midnight to 4 a.m.

In a statement, MMDA said the decision to provide one more truck lane along this thoroughfare came after a meeting with the Confederation of Truckers Association of the Philippines (CTAP).

MMDA general manager Thomas Orbos said the move aims to facilitate transport of delivery trucks on C-5, which has seen a huge increase in the volume of trucks passing through during truck hours.

CTAP officials raised the need for an additional lane along the circumferential road, explaining that the existing one is not enough, causing delay in the delivery of goods.

The added lane, which will be on the right side of the existing one, is to be set up as soon as signage and road markings are completed by the agency’s traffic engineering unit. This will likely be within the month.

MMDA and CTAP agreed that the trucking group should provide its own crane for use during road emergencies and conduct a meeting with container yard operators.

CTAP should also hold a dialogue with Manila port operators to re-evaluate the effectiveness of the Terminal Appointment Booking System (TABS), an online scheduling system that spreads over 24 hours the orderly daily pullout and delivery of containers at the Manila port. Trucks with TABS appointment are exempt from MMDA’s truck ban.

MMDA likewise agreed to provide CTAP within the month a list of accredited towing companies and the matrix of towing fees, and to conduct an ocular inspection along R-10 and Mindanao Avenue, where trucks usually ply.

Orbos reminded truckers that trucks are not allowed to park on any part of C-5 at any time, and that private vehicles may use the truck lanes during truck ban hours. – Roumina Pablo

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