Umali re-elected head of PISA


Philippine Inter-island Shipping Association (PISA), the umbrella organization of various sectors in the Philippine domestic shipping industry, has elected its new set of directors and officers for the period 2017-2018.

The group’s new board of directors for the next two years include Roberto A. Umali of Magsaysay Group of Companies; Sulficio A. Tagud, Jr. of 2Group, Inc.; Joaquin Garcia, Jr. of Island Integrated Offshore Services Inc.; Jesse Ho Maxwell of Islas Tankers Seatransport Corporation; Christopher Pastrana of Archipelago Philippine Ferries Corporation; Jordan Go of Philippine Span Asia Carrier Corporation; Quirimon A. Tan, Jr. of Solid Shipping Lines, Inc.; Andronico Santos of Golden Albatross Shipping Corporation; and Rommel Paderon of Via Marine Corporation.

In a meeting last month, the PISA board reelected Umali as chairman and president, Tagud as vice chairman representing the liner sector, and Pastrana as vice chairman representing the roll-on/roll-off sector.

Garcia, Jr. was elected as the new vice chairman for the lighterage sector, while Maxwell is the new vice chairman for the tanker sector.

Tan remains as treasurer and Atty. Pedro Aguilar is still the corporate secretary and executive director.

PISA has 32 member companies engaged in domestic maritime activities.