BOC beats H1 revenue target by 11.3% 


The Philippine Bureau of Customs (BOC) has exceeded its collection target for the first semester by 11.3%, posting more than P212.16 billion in duties and taxes from P190 billion year-on-year.

Ten of 17 BOC ports topped their collection targets from January to June, with Zamboanga delivering P229.5 million,106.5% above its P111-million target.

Tacloban Port’s collection went up by 59.3% to P169.8 million, surpassing its P106.6-million target. The port is closely followed by Legazpi, which exceeded its P122.4 million target by 58.8% to reach P194.5 million.

Given a P1.120-billion target, San Fernando Port topped it by 35.4% to record P1.517 billion in collection.

Davao’s and Cagayan de Oro’s port revenues went up by 20.8% and 20.5% respectively, with Davao collecting P7.912 billion against its P6.548-billion target, and Cagayan de Oro with P6.572 billion versus its P5.454-billion target.

Clark Port collected P707.2 million, 11.7% more than the assigned P633-million target. Surigao Port surpassed the P5.7-million target by 9.7% to register P6.3 million in revenue.

Subic Port and Iloilo increased their respective revenues by 3.1% and 0.7%.Subic Port amassed P7.877 billion compared with its P7.640-billion target, and Iloilo’s collection expanded to P1.213 billion against its P1.205-billion goal.

BOC said it has reached 97.4% of its P217.96-billion revenue target for the first semester of 2017, and added that improvement is still expected in the coming months.

In a press release, Customs Commissioner Nicanor Faeldon congratulated port collectors and employees for the improved revenue collections.

He said the bureau is working on development projects to upgrade the workforce and IT systems, modernize facilities and operations, and enforce stricter border security in order to enhance collections.

 Image courtesy of patpitchaya at