CNC Line launches additional service from Davao

Davao port
Davao port
Davao port

Cheng Lie Navigation (CNC Line), the intra-Asia subsidiary of shipping liner CMA CGM, will launch a new service in February linking Davao with North China and Indonesia.

China 2 service, which starts on February 5 in Dalian, will have this rotation: Dalian–Xingang–Lianyungang–Chiwan–Jakarta–Surabaya–Davao–Shanghai–Dalian.

The new service is an addition to the current BMX service, serving Davao to Dalian and Xinggang direct.

China 2 offers the following advantages:

• Direct service between North China and Indonesia

• Niche calls at Lianyungang

• Direct service from Chiwan to Indonesia

• Direct and fast service from Davao to Shanghai

The first call to Davao will be on February 24 (Tuesday), and departure is on Wednesday/ Thursday to Shanghai.