Forum on e-manifest set for May 8


ID-10043511The Federation of Forwarders Associations in the Philippines in partnership with PortCalls is holding a Forum on the Electronic Manifest on May 8 (Friday), at the Oxford Room of Midas Hotel (Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City). Forum starts at 2.30pm.

The forum comes right before implementation of the electronic air manifest requirement on May 11. The forum is an excellent opportunity to ask questions and clarify issues about the new Bureau of Customs (BOC) policy. Updates on the seafreight manifest will also be presented.

Speakers include BOC Deputy Commissioner for Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group Atty Agaton Uvero, members of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport BOC team, and the BOC-accredited value-added service providers.

Participation fee per delegate is P850 net. Checks are payable to ProQuest Publishing, Inc.

Seats are limited so pre-registration is required. Send name, company, designation, phone, and email to or to reserve a seat.

For questions about the event, call (02) 569-2562, 232-8393, 232-5029; or mobile 0917 5555273.

Image courtesy of sheelamohan at