G6 revises Asia-North America services for summer season


container shipsThe G6 Alliance announced changes to its Asia-North America services as part of the seasonal variations in market demand with the onset of summer.

The consortium said the changes include resumption of some services, enhancement of other offerings, and suspension of a combined service.

To be resumed are the CC2, NYE, and SCE services. The CC2 will have an expected time of arrival (ETA) in Ningbo on May 17. Port rotation is Ningbo, Shanghai, Los Angeles/Long Beach, and Ningbo.

The NYE is being revived with an ETA Kaohsiung on May 31. Port rotation is as follows: Kaohsiung, Ningbo, Shanghai (Yangshan), Busan, Panama Canal, Manzanillo (Panama), Savannah, New York, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Manzanillo (Panama), Panama Canal, Balboa, Busan, and Kaohsiung.

The SCE, meanwhile, will follow this rotation: Xiamen, Kaohsiung, Da Chan Bay, Hong Kong, Yantian, Panama Canal, Manzanillo (Panama), Kingston, Savannah, Charleston, Kingston, Manzanillo (Panama), Panama Canal, and Xiamen. The loop relaunches with an ETA Xiamen on May 26.

In addition, upgrades to G6 services include an additional call to Qingdao in the CC1 service. The new CC1 voyage takes off with an ETA Qingdao on May 17.

The new port rotation is Qingdao, Shanghai, Kwangyang, Busan, Los Angeles, Oakland, Busan, Kwangyang, and Qingdao.

The PA2 is also to be adjusted to focus on strengthening the connections of South Korea and Japan with North America.

New port rotation is Tokyo, Kobe, Busan, Balboa, Panama Canal, Manzanillo (Panama), Miami, Jacksonville, Savannah, Charleston, New York, Norfolk, Manzanillo (Panama), Panama Canal, Balboa, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Tokyo. The sling takes effect with an ETA Tokyo on May 26.

On the other hand, service rationalization will involve the suspension of the current combined service of CC3 and SE1 as a result of resuming the NYE and SCE.

The combined service’s original rotation is Xiamen, Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, Yantian, Shanghai (Yangshan), Busan, Panama Canal, Manzanillo (Panama), Kingston, Savannah, Charleston, New York, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Kingston, Manzanillo (Panama), Panama Canal, Balboa, Busan, and Xiamen.

The last combined service sailing will be the Zim Colombo 040E with an ETA Xiamen of May 21.

With the withdrawal of the CC3 and SE1 services from the G6 Alliance, APL will continue to operate the CC3 service with U.S.-flagged vessels, independent of the alliance.

CC3’s original rotation is Qingdao, Shanghai, Busan, Yokohama, Los Angeles, Oakland, Yokohama, Busan, and Qingdao. The last sailing under G6 Alliance will be APL Holland 225E with an ETA Qingdao on May 9.

The last sailing of the SE1 rotation will be APL Florida 036E, with an ETA Singapore on May 6. Its original rotation is Singapore, Chiwan, Kaohsiung, Los Angeles, Yokohama, Kaohsiung, and Singapore.

The G6 Alliance members are APL, Hapag-Lloyd, Hyundai Merchant Marine, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, and Orient Overseas Container Line.

Photo: Corey Seeman