MARINA pilots auto processing of domestic shipping applications

  • Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) is pilot testing the first phase of its web-based application that automates filing and processing of domestic shipping-related applications
  • Applicants under the jurisdiction of selected MARINA offices are invited to participate in pilot testing of the Integrated Domestic Shipping Information System (IDSIS), which started on March 15
  • Electronic certificates generated through IDSIS will be recognized by port authorities and Philippine Coast Guard
  • A separate advisory will be issued on the full implementation of IDSIS nationwide

The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) has started pilot testing Phase 1 of its web-based application that automates filing and processing of relevant domestic shipping-related applications.

Applicants under the jurisdiction of select MARINA offices are invited to participate in pilot testing the Integrated Domestic Shipping Information System (IDSIS), which started March 15.

According to MARINA Advisory (MA) No. 2021-15 dated March 3, these MARINA offices are the Domestic Shipping Service, Shipyard Regulations Service, National Capital Region Office, Regional Office Nos. 1 & 2, and Regional Office No. 4

IDSIS “will improve the services of MARINA specifically on data capturing, application processing, production and issuance of the different certificates/ licenses/ approvals,” according to IDSIS’s user’s manual.

The new application will provide an end-to-end solution which includes online filing of application, online submission of the documentary requirements, online payment through a third party, capturing of details of the applications, online submission of inspection data, automatic generation of certificates/ licenses/ approvals, and generation of management reports.

MARINA said the IDSIS implementation seeks to promote competitiveness of the country’s domestic shipping industry and support ease of doing business.

In a recent press briefing, MARINA Management Information Systems Service (MISS) officer-in-charge Luisito Delos Santos said MARINA is headed toward automating all its processes, including the issuance of electronic certificates.

With IDSIS, shipping lines will not have to go to MARINA offices and they can print their electronic certificates in their office using the QR codes. Delos Santos said port authorities and the Philippine Coast Guard will be advised to honor the electronic certificates.

Covered transactions for the Phase 1 pilot-testing are the following:

  • Accreditation of maritime enterprises/entities
  • Vessel clearance name
  • Authority to Acquire Ship
  • Vessel Plans approval
  • Issuance of Certificate of Ownership/Certificate of Philippine Registry/License
  • Issuance of Tonnage Measurement Certificate
  • Registration of Recreational Boats

Phase II will cover vessel inspection and issuance of safety certificates by Maritime Safety Service.

MA 2021-15 also advises port authorities to recognize the QR-coded electronic certificates generated by the IDSIS.

Applicants should send an email request to MISS on creating an account so they will be able to access IDSIS through

A separate advisory will be issued on the full implementation of IDSIS nationwide, MA 2021-15 noted.

In a separate statement, MARINA said full and mandatory implementation of IDSIS is scheduled on January 1, 2022. – Roumina Pablo