Port operator in Malaysia keen to build a port in Palawan


ID-1008983Malaysian port operator Labuan Liberty Port Management Sdn Bhd is eyeing the operation of ports in the Philippines, particularly in Palawan, according to a Malaysian trade official.

Nyaee Ayup, trade commissioner of the Embassy of Malaysia Trade Office, said Labuan Liberty, which operates Malaysia’s duty-free Labuan port, is discussing possible port development and management projects with various local government units in Davao del Sur and Palawan.

“We want to establish linkages and strengthen relations we have with the Philippines and explore business together,” Ayup said, adding that they want to explore new opportunities and new markets.

Labuan Liberty targets to connect Labuan port to Puerto Princesa as another linkage within the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines-East ASEAN Growth Area or BIMP-EAGA.

Labuan Liberty chairman and chief executive officer Dato’ Sri Mohd Alias Haji Abd. Rahman said they are “in the proposal and discussion stage.”

Azhar Othman, Labuan Liberty Port business development manager, said they will make a proposal to manage the port and “probably have a joint-venture agreement with companies in Palawan.”

Othman also noted that another foreign investor is interested in building a port in Puerto Princesa in Palawan.

If the port project in Palawan materializes, it can boost trade of goods between the island and Labuan, Rahman said.

Palawan produces agriculture products and livestock that can be shipped to Labuan, while Malaysia can provide manufactured consumer products to Palawan.

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