4 Questions to Ask to Know Your Place Among Forwarder Competitors

Amit Maheshwari, Softlink Global CEO

There is little doubt businesses that adapt themselves to the everchanging demands of the industry will stay relevant in the race. Even technology needs to be in line with current trends to contribute significantly to growth.


Many freight forwarding companies are still relying on traditional and desktop-based software that has historically gotten the job done but has become obsolete in the modern age. Organizations must consider their current ways of working against the likes of cloud-based applications in order to realize the hard truth about competition.


Here are four questions to ask yourself to gauge your standing among the competition.


Question No. 1: Are you still reliant on paper-based transactions?


The pandemic has changed the way businesses are run. To aid the remote working culture, changes were made in customs and other freight compliance. A major chunk of operations has already gone paperless. While it was a welcome move for smoother compliance, the early adopters of technology have also gotten a head start in their operations.


e-AWB, e-invoicing, and e-VGM integration are just some examples of paperless compliance that has made operations convenient for the industry. If you are still stuck with the idea that the new normal of remote working and going paperless is just a passing phase, you must think again.


Question No. 2: Has working with multiple individual software solutions made it easier for your employees?

The information must flow freely across functions in a modern enterprise. Silos happen when functions either can’t or won’t easily share information with other departments.


When you add multiple software for each function, you add overhead into maintenance without being able to have access to dataanytime. Effective logistics management with ERP systems does the job of each of the individual software combined.


By implementing a logistics ERP software, you integrate your freight forwarding operation with sales, CRM, and billing for air, land, and sea freight on a single platform.


Question No. 3: Are you unable to identify your revenue leakages?

While the top and bottom lines are good indicators of how your organization is faring, the real drivers are the underlying aspects of the business. Logistics and freight forwarding are businesses with multiple touchpoints and steps to complete a shipment end-to-end. It also means incurring costs first before being able to realize the actual profits. This requires an efficient ERP solution that enables you to keep track of revenue leakages and control revenue at each juncture. Thus, keeping track of all your payables and receivables is a necessity of the modern logistician.


Reports consolidating your various charges and revenues must present data readily across all verticals down to the smallest detail. Logi-Sys not only helps you to control revenue leakages but it also generates reports encompassing all business aspects in easy-to-understand formats so you can identify the highs and lows.


Question No. 4: Do your customers have access to on-demand data?

For any kind of operation, it is paramount to have data and information handy. When a customer requests a quote, you must be able to provide the rate and freight charges, along with customs clearance fees, for the said product for international or even domestic shipments without too much waiting time.


The distinguishing factor is that your competitors may be able to offer the same quote as you albeit they do so much faster. You don’t want opportunities to slip away for such reasons,especially since customer’s demands are dynamic and their patience is limited.

Industry-trusted freight software usually provides a self-login portal that your customers can use to request quotes and even check the real-time status of their booked shipment. Providing on-demand data makes your customers feel valued and helps you retain more business.


If you are a freight forwarder who wishes to build a robust business using a best-in-class software solution is a good fit.