BOC springs surprise check on Davao ports for fake rice


ID-100211731Following reports that synthetic rice was being sold in Davao, the chief of the Bureau of Customs (BOC) led an unannounced inspection of ports in the province last weekend to verify the information.

But BOC officials led by Customs Commissioner Alberto Lina and Enforcement Group deputy commissioner Ariel Nepomuceno uncovered no shipments of fake rice during their surprise visit to the Davao International Container Terminal (DICT) in Panabo; and other areas within the BOC-Port of Davao premises.

During the inspection, DICT employees showed BOC officials how they apply methodical procedures and strict computerized cargo monitoring to ensure that no smuggled items enter the country undetected through the port.

“We are strictly monitoring the area and we would like to assure the public that the BOC is committed to curb the smuggling of items especially illegal importation of basic commodities like rice that disadvantageously affects our country,” Lina said in a statement.

“In fact, we are working in close coordination with the National Food Authority (NFA), local government units, and other concerned agencies and local law enforcement authorities like the PNP, Philippine Coast Guards, and the AFP to seize and confiscate contrabands within Customs authority that may imperil the security as well as the general welfare of the public.”

The NFA also said it carried out a series of inspections all over the Davao region, but did not come across any stocks of plastic rice or find conclusive evidence that fake rice was being distributed in the area.

Meanwhile, combined elements of the NFA and BOC on July 7 conducted surprise raids on several establishments in Manila and confiscated over 1,500 kilograms of smuggled rice from China.

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