Box freight rates foreseen to rise 8% in 2017


FreeportContainer freight rates are forecast to rise modestly over the next 18 months from the all-time lows reached recently, but this will not be sufficient to rescue the industry from substantial losses in 2016, according to the latest Container Forecaster report published by Drewry.

“For 2017, Drewry anticipates a slightly brighter picture with global freight rates forecast to improve by about 8%,” said Neil Dekker, Drewry’s director of container research. “Carriers are expected to take some action to address overcapacity as cashflow attrition becomes more urgent and BCO (beneficial cargo owner) rates rise from this year’s lows.”

But he warned that there is still no reason to rejoice as “this cannot be seen as a genuine recovery since these so-called improvements must be set in context against the unnecessarily big rate declines seen in both 2015 and 2016.”

So far this year, liner shipping has had a “torrid time” with spot freight rate volatility reaching unprecedented levels, while unit industry income has fallen to record lows, said the report.

“There are distinct parallels between what is happening now and the depths of the 2008/09 global financial crisis,” said the global shipping consultancy.

It estimates that container carriers collectively signed away US$10 billion in revenue in this year’s contract rate negotiations on the two main East-West trades. With annual trans-Pacific contract rates as low as $800 per 40-foot to the U.S. West Coast and $1,800 per 40-foot to the U.S. East Coast, carriers have done exactly what they did back in May 2009 in a desperate attempt to retain market share.

“With first quarter headhaul load factors at around 90%, there was no logical reason for carriers to sign so much revenue away in one fell swoop. While spot rates on the core trades have significantly improved after the 1 July GRIs, it is still too early to say if carriers have suddenly changed their approach to commercial pricing,” said Drewry.

It approved of the recent decision by the G6 lines to take a weekly loop out of the Asia-North Europe trade and called for similarly pragmatic and proactive measures across other sick trades if recent improvements are to gain momentum.

“While the new alliance structures are bedding in between now and April 2017, this work will take some time yet,” it added.

Photo: Alecastorina93