Container Tracking Technology Implementation Updates


More than 5 years ago—January 2012 to be exact—I wrote an article here in PortCalls entitled “Container Tracking Technology Implementation in the Philippines” wherein I gave a brief backgrounder on various technologies for container tracking implemented or introduced in the Philippines since 1996.


In that article, I highlighted three technology solutions:


  • GPS-based monitoring of container transfers from the port to Asian Terminals Inc Inland Clearance Depot (ATI ICD) in Calamba, Laguna
  • GE Security – Samsung Corporation CommerceGuard Container Security Device Solution
  • Globe Business GPS Tracker


The biggest promise for success as disruptive technology at that time was with CommerceGuard container security device. Unfortunately the pilot use of implementation by the Philippine office of an multinational company did not push through.  By the end of 2010, CommerceGuard AB, the container tracking service jointly owned by GE Security, Mitsubishi Corporation, Samsung C&T Corporation and Siemens Building Technologies, was liquidated.


The reason cited—the market for container tracking services driven by regulatory requirements for greater supply chain security has failed to emerge between 2005 and 2010.


The complete article is accessible here.


What is the technology landscape in 2018?

As of today, several container tracking technology solution providers are positioning themselves in the Philippines and aim to be game changers for cargo and supply chain security.


Their market positioning is done through the following:


  • actively introducing their technology solutions to government regulatory entities
  • conducting product and solution presentations to shipping lines, port operators and key industry groups
  • offering digital platforms for cargo security solutions that are integrated with the broader range of logistics operations
  • providing container tracking technology solutions that encompass Global Positioning System, GPRS, radio frequency ID, and internet-of-things.


For now I will refrain from identifying these solution providers so as not to pre-empt ongoing commercial negotiations with target clients.  But I will keep our readers updated on subsequent developments in our next column.


Leo V. Morada is a subject expert on IT applications in Philippine port operations with more than 30 years senior IT management experience implementing technology solutions in port operations, electronic transactions with customs & port authority, and air/sea port community system applications.  He is Director of Cargo Data Exchange Center, Inc, a Value-Added Service Provider (VASP) accredited by BOC and PEZA.  He can be contacted at