DTI opens online gateway for PH export sourcing


id-100487775The Philippine Department of Trade and Industry-Export Marketing Bureau (DTI EMB) has launched an online portal that provides integrated export information to assist Philippine exporters in enhancing their capabilities and competitiveness.

Tradeline Philippines is an online gateway for information on the country’s trade data, market and product information, online business matching, Philippine free trade agreements, and partners’ information including rules of origin and tariff schedules, among others, according to DTI EMB director Senen Perlada during the recent National Exporters’ Congress.

Perlada said Tradeline embodies in one platform the services that EMB provides exporters and other stakeholders.

He said the platform aims “to develop a robust online facility that allows information dissemination to both internal and external customers with interactive features on trade statistics and business matching.”

The online portal has three components. Export Intelligence acts as the repository of all export-related data and information in electronic format. It provides interactive industry profiles, market profiles, and trade agreements. Perlada said it is envisioned to become the most accessed trade reference system in the country.

The second component, the online trade statistics, provides import, export, and total trade data from the Philippine Statistics Authority. The portal also provides historical trends, ports of origin of products, products of regions, market and product codes, and trade and regional blocs, among others. Perlada noted that the data are already using the new Harmonized System codes.

The third—and main component of the portal—is the real-time business matching portal. Perlada said the database has about 1,800 pre-registered exporters whose products and services are categorized for easy searching and viewing.

The exporting community, during the recent export congress, vowed to “transform the Philippines into a strong, productive, competitive, and innovative exporting nation by implementing a comprehensive domestic and export development plan.”

Philippine merchandise exports in October 2016 increased to US$4.8 billion on the strong performance of mineral products, the second month of export gains after 17 consecutive months of decline.

Image courtesy of jk1991 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net