Your Freight Management Goes Mobile


The speed at which technology has evolved in the last decade has left many logistics companies gasping for breath. While the big players are diving deep into the waters of technology, many medium and smaller companies are yet to get their feet wet. One technology that is increasingly becoming a significant part of our everyday business is the mobile.


Mobile applications, or apps as they are commonly referred to, are today an integral part of the business space. The mobile devices fulfill the need for instant communication and the growing demand for real-time information on the go, a boon for a freight and logistics company where communication and coordination are key.


With applications moving to mobile devices, people are no longer restricted to their desk and can carry their office in their pocket. In this age of information, companies are looking for 24×7 connectivity with their business and in extension to their employees.


The advantage of mobile devices is access to data which should be available when away from the office using mobile devices with a simple interface.


While an integrated, end-to-end ERP plays a very essential role, mobile applications are becoming an increasingly indispensable part of business today.


Freight and logistics companies are realizing of late the importance of going mobile and the use of mobile devices and apps. Once you have a mobile app that is an extension of your ERP you can expect many great advantages that will transform the way you work.


Mobile apps can transform the way the freight and logistics industry works. Shippers can access information on their shipment right from their devices and communicate more effectively with their service providers. Companies and professionals can have information on their fingertips which will help them make decisions anywhere.


Advantages and potential of mobile apps

With mobile apps, freight and logistics companies can extend to their customers the convenience of accessing shipment information from their mobile devices from pick up till delivery. The customer can check the exact location of shipments in real time position on a map. He can also raise queries and get them resolved as well as get notification on important shipment milestones.


Employees can increase their productivity since they are not tied to their desks and have access to information from anywhere. Sales executives can query rates, give quotes to customers, get online quote approvals and send online booking to operations when they are on the field. Management can make online approvals and generate reports and communicate with different branches using the apps.


The app can cover all customer touch points, including updates and notifications on shipment milestones and instant communication with the company.


Customer support can extend beyond office precincts with support executives providing support to customers from anywhere.


Access to information in real time will be a huge help in enabling informed decision-making, with mobile devices making this even more instantaneous. Mobile apps will play a huge role in transforming your business in the coming years. Freight management is definitely set to go mobile.


The question is, are you ready to invest in this technology that will deliver significant advantages toyour customers and your business?