Is Your Business Prepared for Lockdown Exit?

Amit Maheshwari, Softlink Global CEO

As countries plan to exit from the pandemic lockdown, the logistics and freight industry like all others will struggle to find its footing and get back to normalcy. In fact, it is highly unlikely that business will return back to the way it was before the COVID pandemic. The workplace is definitely in for a change and business had better be ready. Logistics and freight companies can expect many obstacles and challenges in the coming months.


Adapting to current circumstances is crucial for survival and technology will play a very important part towards this. The dependence on technology is bound to increase tremendously and as businesses restart, work from home (WFH) will continue to be a part of both business necessity and strategy. The ability of businesses to enable its employees to work from anywhere will be key to their functioning efficiently as they emerge from this disaster and begin rebuilding. There is a pressing need for businesses to review whether their existing software fulfils their present and future needs.


WFH is here to stay. It is not going to be just a temporary phase ‘till things return to normal. This does not mean a decline of work places. Offices or work places will continue to co-exist and function along with WFH. Businesses will be required to find a balance in order to bring harmony to their work culture.


But the implementation of WFH practices raises the question of data security. Businesses cannot let their guard down considering the sensitive nature of their data. Technology can come to the rescue provided businesses make the right choice and implement software that not only allows their employees to work from home but also ensure data security.


Even as WFH is implemented, not all employees may have access to computers and laptops or the internet to do their job. Businesses cannot overlook this problem of their employees and need to be sympathetic. It is necessary to ensure employees can work using any device at their disposal. That is provided the software allows for it.


As logistics and freight companies regroup post-pandemic technology accessibility and data security will take precedence. At this juncture it is essential for them to make right choice of technology that would help them to become more resilient and capable.