PH Customs’ Feb collection misses target by 18%


The Philippine Bureau of Customs (BOC) fell short of its February collection target by 18.3%, taking in P20.979 billion against its goal of P25.672 billion.

This brings to P43.929 billion the total collection for the first two months of the year. The figure is 16.2% short of the P52.394-billion target but 12.3% higher than last year’s take of P39.118 billion.

The February collection is 12.9% more than the actual revenue of P18.583 billion in the same month last year.

Customs commissioner Rozzano Rufino Biazon said the agency is unlikely to meet any of its monthly collection goals for 2012 due to high targets set by government.

“I am cautiously optimistic but not all the factors are entirely in my control,” Biazon said.

In January, the BOC also missed its target of P26 billion by roughly P3 billion, collecting only P23 billion during the month.

Earlier, government already cut BOC’s 2012 revenue goal to P347 billion from P365 billion.

Photo courtesy of ICTSI