Royal Cargo pursues PEZA accreditation

  • Royal Cargo is actively seeking accreditation with the Philippine Economic Zone Authority
  • The company recently hosted PEZA officials at its flagship facility, the Royal Cargo South Hub in Calamba, Laguna
  • The Calamba hub showcases the company’s expertise in pharma logistics, clinical trials, and medical technology

Royal Cargo is actively seeking accreditation with the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA).

The company recently hosted PEZA officials and representatives at its flagship facility, the Royal Cargo South Hub in Calamba, Laguna, to showcase its expertise in pharma logistics, clinical trials, and medical technology.

The meeting highlighted the South Hub’s infrastructure, emphasizing its ability to meet the diverse needs of industries with its meticulous design and latest technology.

With a total storage capacity of 14,516 pallet positions, the facility offers modern storage solutions for various businesses.

The PEZA visit was hosted by chairman and group CEO Michael Kurt Raeuber. The Royal Cargo team presented the capabilities of the South Hub to the PEZA delegation, which included director general Tereso Panga and his team, including deputy director general Vivian Santos, chief of staff of the director general Napoleon Ferdinand Melendres.

A tour of the South Hub — led by Elena Tomias, head of Royal Cargo Pharma Logistics — provided PEZA representatives with an in-depth look at its sections, including the dry warehouse for non-perishable goods, temperature-controlled pharma warehouse, and dedicated area for hazardous materials storage.

Other PEZA representatives present were Joy Alguso, officer-in-charge group manager for promotions and public relations; Ludwig Daza, department manager for ecozone development; and Emmanuel Cortero, administrator of the Baguio economic zone.

The visit concluded with discussions for ongoing collaboration between Royal Cargo and PEZA as they work towards accreditation.

READ: Royal Cargo opens DG warehouse in Laguna