Sarawak’s Tanjung Manis port adopts global quality standards


Improvements continue at the Tanjung Manis Integrated Port (TMP) to ensure that the only deep-sea port in central Sarawak in Malaysia meets international standards, said the group’s chairman, Datuk Sarudu Hoklai.

Hoklai spoke on July 14 during the launch of a new logo requiring TMP to comply with international operating, safety and security standards.

“They are Tanjung Manis Port’s Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHAS 18001:2007), a national single Window’s-compatible ICT system, the international shipping and port facilities security compliance code, and the 5S Quality Environment Practices, all geared for implementation and certification in 2011,” he said.

Hoklai said a government-appointed quality management team is implementing the standards to ensure safe working conditions once the oil, gas and chemical jetty begins operating on September 21 to serve as a distribution center for fuels in the central region.

He also said the quality management system met the high safety standards expected by Senari Synergy, Shell, and Petronas.

“We are here to facilitate trade and open alternative gateways for international trade for the central region,” Hoklai said.

On container handling, the port recorded 2,700 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) as of August 2010 compared with 475 TEUs a month after port operations started in July 2009. The figure is expected to increase to 3,100 TEUs in August 2011, Hoklai said.

To meet the expected rising demand, the port is commissioning a 100-tonne mobile crane and a 65-tonne mobile crane by December 2011, he added.