Roster Cleanup


For quite sometime SCMAP’s membership roster had been ‘littered’ with names of inactive and delinquent member companies. These companies had been active before, but with the passing of time, the active representative either got transferred to a different position in the company, or left the company for some reason (resigned, retired, transferred to another company). This has happened in many cases, and such departures are typically not accompanied by a proper turnover to a replacement representative. In two relatively recent cases, the rep passed away (Gerry Ong of Cheng Ban Yek and Jun Gabrino of Splash).

The bad effects of inactive members are:

• Efforts and resources of SCMAP are wasted on these inactive members

• They are a bad influence on new members and old active members

The case of inactive LSPs (logistics service providers) is worse.

Recall that DMAP did not allow LSPs before as members. Under the rules when DMAP began to allow LSPs to become members at the turn of the century, there was a restriction that there was a maximum number of LSP members allowed. This maximum number was 20% of the total membership. This allowed maximum remains at 20% up to now.

Because of the LSP limit, inactive and delinquent member LSPs were preventing interested LSPs from joining SCMAP. These interested LSPs could have contributed to SCMAP their technical competence and financially of course.

In order to solve the above problems brought about by delinquent and inactive members, SCMAP undertook a review of the inactive and delinquent members, both LSPs and non-LSPs.

The new members resulting from the review are:

• Igloo

• Swift Star Logistics

• Transfluent Management Company

• Argo International Forwarders

• Royal Cargo Combined Logistics

• SAP Philippines

These new members will be eligible to vote during the election of Directors on November 25, 2011, and the official rep will be allowed to be voted as Director.

The latest membership profile is as follows. The cleanup is by no means complete.

   Classification   Number   Percentage
 Manufacturers      48       47.06
   Food & Beverage      15       14.7
   Other Consumer Goods      10         9.8
   Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals      10        9.8
   Packaging Products       1        0.98
   Petroleum Products       2        1.96
   Construction Materials       5        4.9
   Other Products       5        4.9
 Distributors, Traders & Others      20      19.61
 Logistics Products      12      11.76
 Logistics Service Providers      21      20.59
 Retailers        1        0.98
    102    100.00%


Last 2011 Activities

1. SCMAP Last GMM on Nov. 25. Election of 2012 Directors will be held. Member companies are asked to designate / confirm their official representatives for 2012.


2. Christmas Fellowship will be on December 2. Non-members by invitation only.


3. 2-day Soft Skills seminar featuring Ninoy Rollan is being re-scheduled Contact SCMAP Secretariat.


Address inquiries and comments to Ed Sanchez at tel. 671-8670, fax 671-4793, cell 0918-914-1689, or email Those interested in SCMAP training and other activities are requested to send their e-mail addresses. Visit SCMAP’s website